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Honesty, honestly.

DSC_0235-2alpha4alphaf2– Dress, Alpha60 / Necklaces, Sportsgirl and Lovisa / Shoes, Merchant1948

I’m trying to get a feeling across.

When I started blogging, I hadn’t followed any fashion blogs beforehand. I guess I dove headfirst into a world that I didn’t know existed or understood. In some ways I wish that I didn’t start following other blogs. Obviously that wasn’t an option because I was so captivated by all the inspiration that the millions of blogs out there have to offer. Exploring the world of blogging naturally ended up impacting my own work. I felt that I had to fit into the “mould” of a fashion blog. So I crafted my own blog-space, based upon the aspects of other blogs that I liked. Along with the layout, I created my content in a similar vein.

What I’ve done with my blog is essentially what we do in life with everything. For example, we decorate our homes based on ideas picked up from others that appeal most to us. Before I knew it had happened, my blog became something completely different to what I had originally planned out. My aim now, is to deconstruct what I’ve done. I want to get back to my original inspiration.

My whole life I’ve been very sensitive to feelings. Not just my own feelings but also the feelings found in other people, in places, in movies, in art, and the list goes on… I love how feelings work off of impulse, demanding our attention. It’s so fascinating to look at an object, which can stimulate fear and emotion instantly deep down inside my stomach. I want to make people feel “something” with my work. I want to move you. I want to break away from the mould that I’ve been trapped in:

“This is what I wore, it’s so nice and light weight… great for summer. And these shoes are to die for! Worth every penny, defiantly a statement piece that you need this summer…”

Who really cares anyway? A year from now, are you going to remember or care about how much I loved my new necklace in my 127th post? No. You’re not. Just like I can’t remember half of the content in fashion blogs that I’ve read over 12 months ago. I can remember however, how I was so mesmerised by John Galliano’s Fall 2009 ready-to-wear collection. I’ll never forget how I felt the first time I saw Vladimir Tretchikoff’s painting: Balinese Girl, or the overwhelming emotion created by Alexander McQueen’s Dress number 13 of his S/S RTW 1999 collection. It wasn’t just another runway show; it was living breathing art, being created in present time. I had forgotten that I was watching a fashion show on my computer and was transported somewhere else where I got lost in that mental space.

I’m not implying that my work will be of the same calibre of head fashion designers and world-famous painters. I just want to be honest and true. Honesty is a truth that I think all people struggle with. I want to be honest with my photographs. I don’t want to post images of a false life. I don’t have much money, so I’m not going to portray myself that way. Sometimes I feel shit for no reason, which I think most people can actually relate to. So if I don’t want to smile in my photos, I’m not going to. I’ve always had a creative imagination and I now want to share that with whoever is willing to listen. If people look at my blog, I want them to feel something inside of them that leaves a lasting impact. I hope that one day my images will strike fear or love into my viewer’s hearts.

Here’s to a blog that isn’t promoting just another pretty dress… I’m trying to create a window into myself. This will not be an easy task. Some of my future content will be exactly what I just said that I don’t want it to be. Old habits are hard to break. I’m not saying basic fashion’s posts are bad, they’re great! I just want to achieve something different, or find a balance between what I want to achieve with what I’m currently doing.

X Linda Chai


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Boho Days and Boogie Nights

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– Dress, ZARA / Cape, Vintage (Camberwell Market) / Earrings, Sportsgirl / Turquoise necklace, My design / Green necklace, Colette / Tassel Necklace and rings, Ishka / Tomorrow’s Wind (crystal) Necklace, Elixir via SaveTheLastPinker / Floppy hat, Glassons / Shoes, Merchant

I can’t help but love this post! The colours, the layers, the jewels, the fun! This outfit really embodies everything that I love about living in a warmer climate. Speaking of warmth, spring is really starting to feel like summer here in Melbourne. So of course when we experienced our first hot sunny day, I hunted down the biggest, most floppy summer hat that I could get my pretty little hands on! It also turned out to be quite the attractive purchase as well, ringing in at a smashing $20.00, thank you very much! Hit that shit up girl!

Now I know what you’re thinking, “That cape is so ballin, I gotta get me one of those bad boys on my body riiiight noooow!” Well I’ve got some good and bad news for you. Lets start with the bad news so that we can end this lovely experience on a high, shall we? Unfortunately (for you, not me!) the cape is vintage. Now the fact that the actual garment is vintage isn’t the negative here, that’s pretty awesome. Buuuut, because this beautiful red woollen masterpiece is in fact vintage, chances of there being more available for purchase are slim to natta! Don’t get downhearted though! There’s so so much more vintage greatness in store for you ahead! Wanna know how I can tell? Here’s the good bit of the story!

I just so happened to purchase this cape at a wonderful market, that takes place every Sunday, right here in Melbs! If you haven’t heard of the Camberwell Market yet, you’re so very welcome! I’ve just changed your life! Trust me, get on over there next Sunday and your life will never be the same. And for god sakes girl, take at least three environmental/re-useable cloth bags with you because you’re gonna be hauling a lot of shit home! Basically this market is ginormous and is compromised of local designer apparel, accessories, used furniture and clothing, antiques and pretty much anything that can be sold. Did I also mention that there are heaps of beautiful fresh flowers to purchase and yummy coffee to drink!

If you do end up going on an adventure to the market, instagram your hunted treasures and tag me @youngonehunting I’d love to see what you find! Happy hunting!

Xx Linda Chai

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Lady Chai.


– kimono, ZARA / Dress, Choies / 3 necklaces and bracelet from Save the Last Pinker / Shoes, Merchant

Well I must say that I’ve had quite the time guest blogging for Save The Last Pinker! Maybe this is how I should have started my journey all along, however it’s better late than never. For my closing post, I thought it would be fun to do an interview… with myself of course! Toronto (Canada) based photographer Arden Wray of Boots and Pine is one of my favourite artists to follow. Arden takes photos of the quirky and eclectic inhabitants of Toronto’s diverse neighbourhoods. In addition to her photographs, Arden interviews each individual, so that we can get a glimpse into their unique lifestyles.

For the past month I’ve been revealing my style through my photos and my posts. If you’re at all like me, you’ll always want to know more about the person in the photos! I love discovering why people dress the way they do. I want to know their inspirations and interests. What exactly is the reasoning behind a person’s fashion expression? Perhaps this is the exact reason that Arden Wray happens to be one of my most adored photographers! Her photographs are stunning and she has the ability to make you feel as if you’ve known her subjects for years. It’s almost as if a fashion photography fairy punched her square in the face and then BAM! Instant talent! In normal-person terminology, Arden has a natural knack for bringing photography to life.

All that being said, I thought it would be a fun idea to give you lovelies some extra insight into my lifestyle. Although my time as a guest blogger for STLP has come to an end, I’ll still be kicking around the blogosphere at YoungOneHunting. The remainder of 2013 has many exciting collaborations, events and all-over goodness in store for YoungOneHunting. I’d love for all of you to be apart of this up and coming awesomeness. Just saying… it’s going to be pretty fantastic!

Well here you have it, I’ve taken some of Arden’s interview questions and have answered them for you below. It’s been fun lovelies! Until next time…

Xx Linda Chai

Where did you grow up?

In a small village in New Brunswick Canada. My father works on a Maple Syrup farm; my mother makes quilts and bakes the best cheesecakes.

What brought you to Melbourne, Australia?

Adventure and love. I never want to leave.

What do you do for a living?

I’m currently working in retail but only until I can go back to Arts school. I want to be a fashion designer and business owner.

Whats your favourite thing about your city?

Fitzroy. Nothing can beat the cafes, bars, shops and graffiti.

Whats the last treasure that you’ve found?

A vintage open style coat made from crimplene fabric that I purchased from Shag.

If you were going to eat your last meal in Melbourne, where and what would you eat?

There are so many amazing choices! I’m going with Vietnamese rice paper rolls and Green Curry from Thaila Thai in East Brunny.

If you could have a sleepover with anyone who has ever existed, who would it be?

My nanny Linda. We would bake pies and sew together.

If your life was a TV show, what would be the theme song?

Your Life Your Call – Junip.

What does Melbourne need that it doesn’t have now?

More DIY supply shops and Picaroons beer.

See the post on Save The Last Pinker’s blog here.


Shades of Baroque and Feathers


– Knit Jumper, Dotti / Button up top, Glassons / Baroque print Pants, ZARA / Necklace, Sportsgirl / Purse and heels, ALDO –

I love these pants! The colour is fantastic and they’re so easy to throw on with any top and look great :) Thats my kind of pant! I’m also really excited about these heels that I picked up from Aldo. They kinda hurt but I love the asian inspired print and colour. I wore this outfit out to Chapel Street for a morning of  shopping and coffee. I’m embarrassed to admit that we later made a special trip to TGI Fridays for their wings! The inside of the restaurant is kinda sad looking and the food is overpriced for what it is, but their wings are so damn good.

Xx Linda Chai